3.2.3 Board Conflict of Interest
The governing board has a policy addressing conflict of interest for its members.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Southwest Texas Junior College addresses conflict of interest with respect to Board members with SWTJC Policy BBFA (Legal), which defines the parameters of conflict of interest for Board members, provides processes for addressing conflict of interest, and delineates violations of conflict of interest.
In addition, the SWTJC Policy Manual includes a Statement of Ethics by which each Board member agrees to abide upon acceptance of the position. Item 11 of this Statement of Ethics specifically requires a Board member to “avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest, and refrain from using my Board position for personal or partisan gain.”
Beyond upholding the policy requirements noted above, Board members abstain from voting on issues where a perceived conflict of interest might exist. Minutes of the Board Meeting October 16, 2014 with attachments are presented as evidence of this practice.
SWTJC Policy BBFA (Legal) Ethics, Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
SWTJC Policy BBF (Local) Board Members Ethics
SWTJC BBF (Local) Statement of Ethics
SWTJC Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Board of Trustees Minutes, October 16, 2014
SWTJC Conflict of Interest Disclosure